Fighting poverty begins with building a home, and from there, building a community of empowered individuals ready to participate meaningfully in society, both economically and socially. When you invest in building a home for our beneficiaries, you are actively participating in true nation-building.
Gawad Kalinga works to develop the country's next entrepreneurs through the SEED (School for Experiential and Entrepreneurial Development) program. GK also collects data from its network of communities to inform community-specific projects that donors can fund.
From our highly effective, fast-growing anti-hunger program (Kusina ng Kalinga, or Care Kitchens), to our Futsal community program, Gawad Kalinga provides the infrastructure and volunteers to enable these programs in multiple GK communities and surrounding areas.
Thanks to US-based and Philippine-based volunteers, we are able to map out the needs of GK communities, implement pilot programs, and scale them up over 2-3 years. We fundraise to purchase medicine, equipment, seedlings, and provide stipends and travel grants to local communities and US-based staff and volunteers.
​When disasters strike our communities, we are ready to raise funds immediately. Specifically for these communities, Gawad Kalinga offers donors a highly-effective mechanism to support affected communities. Funds go directly to the affected populations, thanks to GK's on-the-ground presence!
When you donate to Movement Building, you are supporting all of our platforms by funding salaries for our two full-time staffers, our marketing and fundraising budget, as well as back-office projects such as our auditing, accounting and corporate communications operations. Each donation to movement building has a multiplier effect, allowing us to raise even more funds for the cause.